»Schlagt nach im Historisch-kritischen Wörterbuch des Feminismus, denn ›jenseits von Emma‹ dachten und agierten die Feministinnen über Themen und Aufgaben jenseits des Mainstream. Fragt nach!«
Halina Bendkowski, Berlin
»Begriffsgeschichte als dialektische Verschränkung von Terminologie und Problemgeschichte erscheint mir als großartige Möglichkeit, uns klar zu machen, warum wir Frauen ständig und ungewollt daran mitwirken, diese bedrohliche, krisenhafte, paternalistisch strukturierte Welt zu reproduzieren.«
Ursula Apitzsch, Frankfurt/M
»This is a splendid enterprise. The essays make available the thinking of influential scholars on the history and present positions, projects, and controversies in feminist thought that has been shaped by marxian insights. This collection will be a welcome addition to courses in politics, government, sociology, philosophy, and many other areas of study.«
Sandra Harding, Los Angeles
»1) There is not one feminism but many. It concerns all women and many men interested or frightened by women‘s empowerment. 2) Substitute feminism for gender is not possible. Feminism is a political movement, gender is the theoretical arm of feminism. 3) The young questioners of feminism may not be interested, but there are many of us academic feminist, theoretical, also political who are interested. Feminism is an academical issue. Think globally: your country may be ahead in many issues, mine/ours is not. A historical critical dictionary of feminism is extremely useful for feminists and pre-feminists – especially the way you present it: easy to read and handle.«
Graciela Hierro, Mexico